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Building a Cortex-Powered Snowflake Native App in 10 minutes?

Building a Cortex-Powered Snowflake Native App in 10 minutes

Here at and Snowflake we LOVE a challenge. But even for us this is a whopper. In this session we will build a Cortex-powered Snowflake Native App into production in less than ten minutes! Oh, and just to increase the degree of difficulty, we’ll include a Streamlit app. And some Snowpark. And let’s include Snowpark Container Services and some UDFs for good measure. All in 10 minutes or less?!  

And most importantly, this won’t be some ‘quick hack’ giving fast results at the expense of technical debt. This will be built from scratch and deployed in a highly governed, secure and repeatable process.

Who will teach you how to do this? Two Snowflake Super Heroes of course! Guy Adams, CTO and Co-Founder of, and Jeff Hollan, Director of Product for Snowflake Developer Platform and Snowpark will be your co-hosts for this informative session.